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Event Series Event Series: Tipsy Tree Town

Tipsy Tree Town

December 22, 2021
11:00 am - 5:30 pm
Tipsy Canyon Winery
270 Upper Joe Creek Rd
Manson, WA 98831 United States
+ Google Map

An event every day that begins at [first_occurrence_start_time], starting [first_occurrence_date] and repeating until January 31, 2022

During the months of December and January, we’ll display beautiful and unique trees around the tasting room that are decorated by some local businesses. During our normal business hours, we encourage you to view the trees and vote for your favorite one. We’ll charge $1 per vote with no minimum for the amount of votes (per person or tree). All votes will be included in a drawing to win prizes from Tipsy Canyon.

We will also offer a Silent Auction for the trees. Decorated trees will be available for silent auction bidding and the winner will receive the tree.

All proceeds will go to: Chelan Valley Housing Trust